"Moses Maimonides (1138-1204) is one of the greatest religious thinkers of all time. In Jewish tradition, he is often called the Great Eagle, the philosopher who rose to great heights and whose vision covered an extensive range," writes Rabbi Marc Angel, a founder and director of the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals (www.jewishideas.org). He is the author and editor of many books in addition to this volume in the SkyLight Illuminations series.

As editor and annotator of Maimonides Essential Teachings on Jewish Faith and Ethics, he has chosen to focus on two books by this Jewish scholar, physician, philosopher, rabbinic thinker. and communal leader. The Book of Knowledge presents the essential teachings of Jewish faith and ethics whereas The Thirteen Principles of Faith explores the basic tenets of Judaism for the general public.

These writings reveal Maimonides's efforts to bring religion in line with reason as well as his views on God and nature, the importance of the experience of God over miracles, the Torah and the commandments, the role of Israel and the rest of humanity, and the clash between religion and superstition.