For centuries the following prayer has been used in Christian devotion: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy upon me." Other variations are "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me," "Lord Jesus, have mercy," or even the single word, "Jesus." By repeating these words slowly with full attention and reverence, believers quiet their minds in order to become aware of the presence of God.

In this short paperback, Canadian translator, lecturer, and writer Irma Zaleski unfolds the different levels of meaning and tradition surrounding the Jesus Prayer. Cherished by Eastern Orthodox believers, it is now also being embraced in other branches of Christianity. This prayer of the heart is at once a hymn of joy, a path of self-denial, an ally in the face of death, a sign of inner stillness, an expression of gratitude, and a way of caring for others. Agreeing with Eastern Orthodox tradition, Zaleski concludes that the Jesus Prayer is a gateway to divinization — "being transformed into that divine image which we were created to be." This little paperback is an essential resource for church libraries and spiritual directors.