Jessica Young begins this delicious children's picture book with "My sister says that blue is sad like a lonely song." But the narrator says, "My blue is happy like my favorite jeans and a splash in the pool on a hot day." Different strokes for different people as far as colors that appeal to them or turn them off. The little girl's mother sees yellow as cheery, while she imagines it as being worried, like a butterfly caught in a net. Her father says brown is ordinary like a plain paper bag, while she is convinced brown is special like chocolate syrup.

One of the many marvels of life is that the intensity, variety, beauty, and uniqueness of creation can be experienced in simple things — like colors. Jessica Young has written a children's book that we read with unmixed delight. Illustrated by Catia Chien, it is designed for boys and girls from 4 through 8 years old. Those reading My Blue Is Happy to kids will find many topics to explore that involve choices and emotions about colors.