This helpful children's picture book is about a little one who experiences worry when someone fights or yells, when called upon to do something new, or when feeling that someone is upset with her. The physical symptoms are an upset stomach or feeling wobbly.

The best thing in the world for little ones who are unhinged by these kind of feelings is to listen to them and give them a hug. It's good to tell someone about why you are worried. Any type of creative activity like drawing, singing, or listening to music is an antidote along with movement and laughter.

When I Feel Worried is written by Cornelia Maude Spelman and illustrated by Kathy Parkinson. It is part of "The Way I Feel" series of books designed to help kids pay attention to their emotions.

Feeling anxious is not a permanent state of mind; it is something that eventually passes. It is good for children to know this and bank on it.