We've been called to a life of wonder by the Great Artist who inspired Rumi to write:

"Observe the wonders as they occur around you.
Don't claim them. Feel the artistry
Moving through, and be silent."

Children help keep this spiritual practice alive, and creative people of all stripes encourage us to use our senses and go on amazing adventures. In this spiffy little book, Jeffrey Willius, who has written professionally for more than 30 years, shares some of his own experiences of wonder and challenges us to try the following:

• Feel the pulse of a hot summer meadow.
• Say hello or goodbye to a cloud.
• Find your moon shadow.
• See generously.
• Bless a stranger with your thoughts and deeds.
• Hum in the bathroom.
• Behold the cream in your coffee.
• Turn a chore into an experience.
• Make a quiet entrance.
• Experience things as if for the first — or the last-time.

We all need to be tutored in the art of wonder. Jeffrey D. Willius teaches us about the playful and multifaceted miracles that abound in our grand, wild, and mysterious world!