Rick Jarow is professor of history of religious studies at Vassar College and creator of this popular workshop that he has taken on the road since 1988. He believes that all those interested in creating the work they love must move beyond the three paradigms of work held by our culture: the Garden of Eden view of labor as the sweat-of-your brow; the Protestant work ethic of making it; and the myth of productivity, where more is better. Jarow emphasizes instead ideas and practices from Western and Eastern spiritual traditions.

These six cassettes contain over nine hours of exercises, meditations, and information on creating an "embodied" career that springs naturally from your deepest gifts, aspirations, and yearnings. The workshop is organized around the seven chakras and the vocational issues they involve: (1) abundance, (2) passion, (3) focus, (4) mobilizing energy, (5) creativity, (6) intuition, and (7) integration of work and play.

Along the way, Jarow discusses visionary time management, the heart center as the seat of prosperity, obstacles as allies, three techniques for mobilizing energy, working with forgiveness and acceptance, and aligning with Spirit. Finding the work you were born to do also means paying attention to your roots, the community that resonates with you, and the inspiration of mentors. This is an excellent resource for anyone starting up or starting over on the search for truly fulfilling work.

Purchase: 1-800-333-9185