Are you looking for a spiritual path that will lead you to an authentic and free life? Are you seeking a way that will release you from the lockups of fear, anger, and anxiety? Are you willing to open yourself to the rigors and disciplines that are part of spiritual growth and transformation?

Joan Chittister is an internationally known writer and lecturer and the executive director of Benetvision, a resource and research center for contemporary spirituality in Erie, Pennsylvania. There is no one on the planet who is better qualified or more capable of discerning and sharing the multiple meanings of the Rule of St. Benedict, a sixth-century book on living "a God-centered life."

The Twelve Steps of Humility are the heart and soul of this classic text. Chittister shows how humility is connected to the lineaments of a radical spirit, offers a gentle and healing remedy for many of our contemporary ills, and is a countercultural stance which can be an antidote to the narcissism, greed, and selfishness of our times.

With the energy, seasoned wisdom, and visionary sweep we have come to expect from Chittister, she discusses humility as a spiritual practice with insights and epiphanies about union with God, the prerogatives and pitfalls of a false independence, direction from wisdom figures, the pain of development, learning from community, and speech as a tool of sanctity.

Chittister concludes: "The Twelves Steps of Humility are, at every pace of the way, one step closer to a life that is full of the fullness of life. Brimming with love of God, a proper love of self, and love of the humanity to which we give our care, we are finally authentic and fully free, totally authentic and driven by the spirit of God."