Frank MacEowen is a Mississippi born Scots-Irish American poet, teacher, and shamanic counselor. He practices a form of Celtic nature mysticism based on the visionary traditions of his ancestors. His work has also been colored by his experiences with indigenous shamans and his studies in transpersonal process psychology and ecopsychology. This lyrical and ruminative paperback contains many helpful earth-cherishing practices. He reflects his keen appreciation of the soulful values of wonder, the way of the heart, the power of place, and the shape of the sacred world.

MacEowen grew up in the American South and experienced at an early age a series of mystical encounters with ''the other world." Mist is a threshold state in Celtic spirituality and signifies a space where the seen and the unseen commingle. Throughout this paperback, the author demonstrates a fondness for nature which serves "as intermediary between the modern world and the world of spirits."

One of the most interesting subjects in Celtic spirituality is how place can foster peace — a sense of harmony and healing. In the practices and meditations scattered throughout the book, MacEowen presents ways to a deeper communion with the earth, ancestors, and the movements of the soul. He writes poetically about longing (which is called a Celtic pastime), reclaiming our holy senses, expanding earth awareness, listening for the heartbeat of God, and opening ourselves to the energies of the Divine Feminine. The Mist-Filled Path ends with the author's personal benediction: "May you and the life of your soul grow green again."