Phyllis A. Balch, a leading nutritional consultant for two decades, presents the latest information in this second edition of her book about using foods to combat diseases and to protect and maintain your health. She begins with a chapter on the immune system and basic dietary guidelines. She then moves on to a section on the fastest paths to healing (raw foods, cleansing and fasting, juicing). Part three discusses antioxidants and phytochemicals. Part four is filled with helpful counsel about grains and flours, nuts and seeds, spices and herbs, a food combining guide, and much more.

Under "Super Foods" Balch covers garlic, mushrooms, yogurt, sprouts, soy foods, and tofu. This is followed by information about potential dietary dangers — including unsafe water, food-borne diseases, food additives, pesticide and antibiotic residues, genetically engineered foods, irradiated foods, and undesirable substances such as caffeine, cholesterol, and sugar. A final section covers how to design a diet for people with special dietary needs such as women, children, vegetarians, and others.