"Live Your Life in Full Color," it says on one card and on the other side comes the advice "Live Juicy," which means "rolling down a bright grassy hill, sleeping all day to stay in a dream, definitely taking your shoes off at the beach, buying flowers that make you gasp." The advice continues: "Find those places inside that jump for joy and do things that bring out your best, most magic self!"

Juicy Living Cards by Sark is a 50-card deck that can be used as a spur to jubilant and creative living. Draw a card randomly and let serendipity take you to new fields of wonder and a fresh perspective. Examples: "Be still and let the beauty will come." "You are always on your way to an adventure." "Ride Through Life on a Creative Cycle." Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy (Sark) is the bestselling author/artist of 11 books and many other reminders of Living Juicy.