What causes children to lie? How can parents discern lies from truth? What procedures will help children have more respect for truthfulness? These questions and others are covered in this book by Paul Ekman.

Trust and intimacy in the family context are hobbled by lying. Paul Ekman, a professor of psychology, explores the complicated subject of truthfulness in an era when deceit is rampant on all levels of society. He writes about why children lie and the fabrications they concoct at different stages of their lives. Dr. Ekman's wife Mary Ann, an attorney and historian, also advises parents on how to cope with this problem. In another chapter, their son Tom provides comments on lying from the perspective of a 14 year old.

St. Augustine once noted, "When regard for the truth has been broken down or even slightly weakened, all things will remain doubtful." The home is the best place to nurture truthfulness. And Paul Ekman's Why Kids Lie is an excellent resource for parents who want their children to do the right thing in a world where falsehood often gets the most applause.