"All spirituality is about roots. For all spirituality is about living a nonsuperficial and therefore a deep, rooted, or radical (from radix, root) life. Roots are collective and not merely personal-much less are they private or individualized. To get in touch with spiritual roots is truly to leave the private quest for my roots and to get in touch with our roots," writes Matthew Fox, a Dominican scholar, popular speaker, and an innovative educator who is the director of the Institute in Culture and Creation Spirituality at Holy Names College in Oakland, California. In this top-drawer collection of essays, a new generation of spiritual theologians probe the roots of spirituality in the West with a special emphasis upon creation, blessing and divinization of humanity rather than the old paradigm of sin, the fallen creation and evil-doing. Fox harvests manifold meanings from the ecumenical tradition that is hospitable to the variety and vitality of the world's religions. Jon Sobrino writes about "Christian Prayer and New Testament Theology: A Basis for Social Justice and Spirituality," Rosemary Radford Ruether explores "Patristic Spirituality and The Experience of Women in the Early Church," Mary Jose Hobday surveys "Seeking a Moist Heart: Native American Ways for Helping the Spirit," Monika Hellwig examines "Gifts and Insights from Hasidism," Ronald Miller looks at " The Spirituality of Franz Rosenzweig" and Richard Woods studies "Mysticism, Protestantism, and Ecumenism: The Spiritual Theology of William Earnest Hocking."