Over the past 25 years, Diana L. Guerrero has worked with animal welfare groups, in animal shelters, at animal rescue leagues, with disaster response teams for animals, at veterinary clinics, with zoo veterinarians, at pet and feed stores, on ranches, in private and public zoos, and with municipal agency animal programs. She is convinced that these creatures serve as a link to the divine. This fine paperback is designed to give the reader a broader and richer understanding of animals; ways to communicate with them on many levels; and illustrations of how animals can spur us to personal growth.

Each chapter contains examples of animals as spiritual teachers with lively stories and colorful anecdotes. Dogs embody many ideals including loyalty. Otters remind us not to be so serious; playfulness is a healthy dimension of life. The polar bear lives in a harsh environment and yet never stops being true to his nature and power. Lions conserve their strength and live from their core; this is a lesson all of us could take to heart. The wolf embraces change positively and wants us to follow in this path. With eight times the sight of a human being, the eagle is a great exemplar of vision. The last two chapters are on the mind of the dolphin, who tutors us in the art of breathing, and the wisdom of the owl, which leads us to deeper understanding through awareness.