"Our health is a voyage and every illness is an adventure story," Margiad Evans has noted. Anyone who has experienced a passing or chronic breakdown of the body knows what she means. During illness, we are forced to deal with pain, vulnerability, loss of control, and dependency on others. Illness is a crucible that tests our faith, our patience, and our ideas about the flesh and the mind. It is a conduit for valuable feedback from our body and our soul.

Disease is a spiritual teacher showing us what is really important to us. It dispenses wisdom about imbalances in our lives and reveals our deep connections to those who care for us. A life-threatening illness rocks our world and makes us very grateful for every moment on earth.

These are some of the gifts of illness that we explore in Practicing Spirituality during Illness. This 40-part e-course is designed for those who have had a close encounter with illness as well as their families, friends, caregivers, and health professionals. We suggest spiritual practices that can lend meaning to the setbacks, suffering, and breakthroughs associated with being sick.

Subscribers receive 40 emails, each with a passage from the wisdom of writers who have contributed greatly to a spiritual understanding of illness, teachers such as Rachel Naomi Remen, Ram Dass, Bruce Epperly, Kat Duff, and Mary C. Earle. Each email also suggests a simple way you can incorporate the lesson into your daily life.

(6 CEHs for Chaplains available.)

Available On-Demand
(choose your own start date and frequency)


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