Thousands of baby boomer women entering menopause are turning to Dr. Christiane Northrup for advice on negotiating this passage. That is one of subjects covered on this video, which aired on many PBS television stations. Other choices discussed involve fibroids, breast care, and heart disease. A nationally known pioneer in the field of women's health, Northrup is the author of the bestselling book Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom. She believes that well being and illness are part of our inner guidance system, and women need to pay attention to the messages.

Northrup's ideas on the menstrual cycle as a natural rhythm of inspiration, creativity, and reflection are especially interesting. She asserts that "hormones are the way the divine comes and gets your attention." With many illustrations from her own experiences and those of her patients, she urges women to develop the skills to create health. In contrast to what many women hear from medical authorities, her message is one of affirmation and empowerment.

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