Ways to practice Faith include talking to God, God box, prostration and surrender, trust exercises, personal creeds, examen of consciousness, participation in a religious community, sacraments, sharing sacred stories, and the specific spiritual practices below.

21st Century God by Hitha Rani records an expression of the desire to know and embody God's praiseworthy qualities.

Conversational Prayer by Frederic & Mary Ann Brussat urges speaking freely and expressing your feelings to God.

Decorate a Backpack by Daniel Wolpert asserts expressing your faith through creativity.

Give God Different Names by Bradford Keeney encourages growing a sense of connection to God through what you love.

God Willing by Yitzhak Buxbaum proposes relying on God's will.

Healing Affirmations by Bruce G. Epperly and Lewis D. Solomon offers affirmations for strengthening our faith in ourselves and God.

In God's Hands by Bruce G. Epperly spells out a spiritual exercise for turning our burdens over to God.

Hidden Works of Love by Ann Bedford Ulanov describes reflections on divine exchanges during ordinary experiences.

Nods to God by Donna Schaper conveys the importance of imbuing everyday life with the holiness of the Sabbath.

Renewing Your Faith Upon Arising by Michael Strassfeld, and Rabbi Yeshaya Halevi Horowitz describes creating a spiritual "to do" list out of our everyday activities.

Sign of the Cross by Thomas Ryan explains how this mark is used ritually to express personal identity and communal faith.

Surrender by Arjuna Ardagh advises us to release control to the divine.

To God We Belong by Jamal Rahman introduces an Islamic spiritual practice for being conscious of God and trusting in God's help in times of uncertainty and despair.

Trusting God by Bruce G. Epperly and Lewis D. Solomon provides affirmations for trusting in God and surrendering to God’s will.

Using the Name of Jesus by Edward Hays reminds us that we are all beloveds of God and recommends cultivating our trust and security in God through this sense of intimacy.

More Spiritual Practices about Faith