One day I thanked a medical secretary at the hospital for her wonderful attitude and asked her for her full name because I wanted to give her a pin with her name on it as a gift. She said, "Sit down." I did, and she went on, "When I took this job I was surrounded by miserable people — the doctors and nurses. The patients weren't a problem. I went to the office to quit, but they told me I had to give two weeks' notice. I got up miserable every day for two weeks. When it was my last day I got up happy and went to work happy. I noticed something; all the people around me were happy. So I didn't quit. I decided to come in happy instead."

The kind of choice she made can work for all of us. You are in charge of your life and your attitude. Change one or the other according to your needs and desires, and you too can be happy. If you don't want to be happy you can make that choice too. No one can force you to be happy if you would rather whine and complain.

I love what Tom Hanks said in A League of Their Own: "There's no crying in baseball." As you play the game of life, remember that it's your attitude and choices that determine the outcome.

Solution of the Day: If you are in a difficult environment or situation, try changing the attitude you bring to it. If that doesn't work, perhaps it is time to move on.

Bernie S. Siegel in 365 Prescriptions for the Soul