Write down your fears about your work. Make a list of all the things you think are holding you back from being more successful, or are preventing you from feeling better about what you do — for a living, as a volunteer, or whatever. Next, write down the things you fear most about your work situation, or about another situation you may be contemplating.

It could be anything. You could fear making a change that you feel in your gut is right, but might entail a short-term reduction in your pay. Or you may be fearful of making a change even though you'd be getting a substantial raise, because you're afraid of the independence and responsibility this entails. You may simply be afraid of losing your job, fearful of the future and its uncertainty. Write this all down.

When you identify and make explicit your fears, you clarify exactly what is holding you back from making a change, and you also begin the process of eradicating those fears. Fears rarely go away on their own. They disappear when you look at them. Fears don't like light. They thrive in darkness. Don't give them a breathing ground. Expose them, either to yourself or to someone close to you. Bring them to consciousness — and then release them. You can cross them out and replace them with affirmations. For instance, you can cross out "I'm terrified of losing my job even though I dread going in every day," and write instead, "I am bright and capable and am in a situation that reflects my passion and commitment." Or you can burn or bury the piece of paper. The important thing is to let your fears go symbolically and replace them with something positive and inspiring.

Getting more love out of what you do involves eliminating the fear of moving ahead, of the future. It means having faith that you and your professional destiny are looking for each other and that you will take whatever steps are necessary for the two of you to meet, including letting go of the barriers that prevent a good connection. It's like any relationship you have. If you bring your baggage with you, it burdens the contact from the start. Empty your bags. Let go of your fears.

Alan Epstein in How to Have More Love in Your Life