Imagine a genie has emerged from Aladdin's lamp and will grant you three wishes. What would they be?

The genie says she's not sure she'll get around to you any time soon, so you have to be certain your wishes are enduring desires, not just passing fancies.

The genie also says she'll come back at the end of the day to listen to your requests, so you have the rest of the day to think about it. What do you want? What do you REALLY want? Because whatever it is, it's yours.

Fame, fortune, good health, a lean, strong body, a new house, blond hair, kids who are well behaved, a boss who recognizes your abilities. . . . Think deeply. Whatever it is, it's as easy as saying the words.

At the end of the day, write these three wishes down and look at them frequently. Be careful of what you ask for. You usually get it!

Alan Epstein in How to Be Happier Day by Day