God has been on the way somewhere since before time was dreamed of. God is a Mover and Trailblazer, a Dancer and Groundbreaker.

God is alive! The universe testifies to it. Novas explode, amoebas wiggle, winds stir, oceans heave, gazelles leap, ants scurry . . .

Everything alive is moving, even that which appears to stand still. Call it evolution if you will. Call it creation if you prefer. The engine that drives the universe forward is not natural selection but the dreaming of God. God's dreams invade the world as a song haunts your mind; summoning, luring, calling. Where they find resonance in an answering heart (and even the mountains have hearts), there is movement, newness. Imagination in all its forms is the antenna of the spirit; dreaming is the language. God calls the tune; some of us dance. This waltz between God and the world is the source of all that is, and more importantly, what is yet to be.

Mike Riddell, Godzone