The great Way of play is the Way of true sorrow and true joy. Rabbi Levi Yitzhak of Berditchev was a Hasidic master, and when his only son died, the funeral bier was taken through the village and the congregation followed behind in deep silence. Of course, the Rabbi himself was walking behind his son's bier. And then to the great astonishment of his people, he began to dance. He began a slow, grave dance with his coattails flying out like great black wings. The people began to look at each other and they at last had to say something, and they said, "What are you doing? What are you doing!"

And he said to them, "A pure soul was rendered to me, and a pure soul I render back." And he rendered it back in pure play. He played, and he danced, even with heartbreak and death.

Susan Murphy, Upside-Down Zen