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Results for "for_children: n, latest_content: 1, main_practice: Forgiveness, submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other,Features - Book"
Forgive Everyone Everything Illustrated reflections on how to live as God loves. 
Men's Work Tools for men to free themselves.
On Repentance and Repair A rabbi's teachings on forgiveness as requiring justice that involves repair, making amends, and meaningful change.
Yoke Yoga of the everyday for the rest of us.
Inspiring Forgiveness A well-curated collection of quotes, poems, and stories on forgiveness.
The Way of Forgiveness An inspiring collection of essays on forgiving self and others and receiving God's forgiveness.
The Power of Forgiveness The spiritual benefits that accrue from the regular practice of forgiveness.
Triumph of the Heart A wide-ranging and revelatory exploration of forgiveness.
The Forgiveness Project Stories from survivors and perpetrators of violence revealing the value of forgiveness and reconciliation.
Change of Heart A touching true story of a public defense attorney who refuses to exclude from her heart the man who murdered her sister.