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Results for "author_first: Anne, author_last: Lamott"
Stitches Anne Lamott on taking the next necessary step.
Stitches Spiritual remedies for coping with suffering, anxiety, and sadness.
Plan B Essays that reveal the Christian author's idiosyncratic faith as she finds tiny bits of hope and rebirth in her own experiences.
Help, Thanks, Wow Anne Lamott on saying "wow" in the presence of beauty, art, dance, and music.
Help, Thanks, Wow The bestselling spiritual writer on the meaning of her most used prayers.
Grace (Eventually) Another quirky and appealing collection of essays on Lamott's Christian journey of faith.
Traveling Mercies Annie Lamott on developing enthusiasm in church, singing.
Traveling Mercies Essays conveying both the vigor and the rigors of her unusual spiritual journey as a Christian convert.