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Results for "author_first: Mary Ann and Frederic, author_last: Brussat"
Hanukkah Ways to celebrate Hanukkah and the sacred importance of light.
Birthday of Harry Chapin (PDP) Remembering the singer/songwriter whose story songs focused on the challenges facing Americans.
World AIDS Day Ideas, practices, and DVDs to accent the crisis and things to be done to raise awareness about this global epidemic.
Advent Observing the Advent season with practices that honor the art of waiting.
Birthday of Louisa May Alcott Celebrate family solidarity and the values you stand for
Birthday of Isaac Bashevis Singer Celebrating this Nobel Prize for Literature winner by dipping into his short stories on the mystery of life.
Birthday of Robert Kennedy (PDP) Acknowledging the energy, courage, flexibility, and wisdom of an icon of the 1960s.
Birthday of Claude Monet Observe the birthday of the French Impressionist painter Claude Monet with your own experience of dawn light.
Birthday of Dorothy Day (PDP) An opportunity to firm up our commitments to service of others, peace, and justice.
Dylan Thomas Day A day to celebrate the Welsh writer's love of poetry and language