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Results for "keyword: "Internet""
A Prayer about Time Spent on the Internet   We give thanks for the convenience and the many ways the Internet enriches our lives and connects us with other people. New Report: Americans are spending nearly twice as much tim…
Internet Prayer An entreaty for God's blessing and protection while we are online.
These transformations will have beneficial but destabilizing effects These transformations will have beneficial but destabilizing effects
Information Anxiety 2 Richard Saul Wurman on how conversations are links to understanding.
Nature: Now Showing on TV In an article in The New York Times, Diane Ackerman refers to the phenomenon of "nature deficit" in children who spend very little time in the natural world and a lot of time with their technologica…
William John Fitzgerald in Blessings for the Fast Paced and Cyberspaced William John Fitzgerald on holding others in your heart space.
This Changes Everything Heard about the Internet's creepy next wave? If you haven't, Sue Halpern's coverage of four recent books on the subject gives you a front-row seat on the spectacle that is slowly and quietly unfoldi…
We Are Data A review of the many ways we are relinquishing our privacy.
The Naked Future Patrick Turner on why we must familiarize ourselves to new technological developments and how they work.
Solving the Procrastination Puzzle Timony Pychyl on the hurdles to focused attention encountered on the Internet.