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Results for "keyword: %22humor%22"
Birthday of Stephen Colbert (PDP) Celebrating the comedian and Late Show host who keeps us sane in the face of jarring changes.
George Santayana in Soliloquies in England and Later Soliloquies A buoyant and full-blooded soul
Children's Book Week May 6 - 12: An annual celebration of literature for children and teens. The 2024 Children’s Book Week will take place during two dedicated weeks of celebration, May 6-12 and November 4-10!
Shine Your Light An exercise to help you become more conscious of the light you share with others.
Remembering Joy Keep a smile journal to help you remember joyful times.
Guidelines for Being a Loving Rock for the Dying Good advice for caregivers and others on being truly present.
The Joy of the Sabbath A story about being nurtured by an awareness of the Sabbath.
Sustaining the Attitude of Non-Grasping Incitement to bring your true nature into how you move through the world.
A Blessing for Carl Thomas Dean A witty romp through existential questions with a wild wolf in beagle's clothing.
Questing for Holiness Learning to clown around.