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Results for "latest_content: 1, main_practice: "Transformation""
Grounding and Centering An exercise for re-establishing your relationship to both the ground and to your body’s center of gravity.
Safety and Containment An exercise using your muscles to deepen your sense of your body boundaries.
Long-Standing, Recurrent, Painful Patterns A 15-minute embodied imagination practice for transforming recurring upset or conflict.
Way of the Cross Fr. Daniel Lloyd’s adaptation of the “Way of the Cross” from Bishop Richard Challoner (1691-1781).
The Stories We Tell A prompt to let go of the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves that do not serve us.
Smoothing The Way A blessing used for someone close to death from the Carmina Gadelica.
Anniversary of the Founding of Alcoholics Anonymous A tribute to the practical spirituality of Alcoholics Anonymous on the anniversary of its founding: with reflections and practices.
Easter: Resurrection as a Spiritual Practice 37 ways to make rebirth and renewal a practice in everyday life.
Finding the Gift in the Mistake Counsel on finding what went right when you think things have gone wrong.
Groundhog Day, Candlemas, Imbolc The meaning of Groundhog Day and Candlemas and how to "name this day" with a movie, discussion, and rituals.