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Results for "patience"
The Wisdom of Sufism Hazrat Inayat Khan on how practicing patience can provide energy and power, and is associated with hope.
Awakening the World Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee's story on patience, which relates to hope.
The Garland of Nation-Souls A call to recognize the God-seed within.
Good Life, Good Death Rimpoche Nawang Gehlek on how patience is the antidote to anger, a component of hope.
The Art of Dying and Living Kerry Walters on practicing patience as a way to live a fulfilling life.
Renewal Eknath Easwaran on how patience can be a valuable ally in the journey of self-transformation, which has to do with hope.
Your Life Is Your Message Eknath Easwaran on patience as an important ingredient for self-transformation.
Emotional Freedom Judith Orloff on patience as waiting peacefully and enjoying the pause, which has to do with hope.