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Results for "author_first: John, author_last: Dear"
The Sound of Listening John Dear on replenishing his soul in silence.
The Questions of Jesus Opens up new doors and leads us on the paths of peace, justice, compassion, and nonviolence.
Mary of Nazareth, Prophet of Peace John Dear on what Mary's words in the Magnificat might be saying to the present-day powers of the United States.
Living Peace John Dear on how the roots of war, violence, injustice, and global annihilation lie within each one of us.
Living Peace A prophetic work calling us to all become peacemakers and outlining concrete steps to take toward this goal.
Mary of Nazareth, Prophet of Peace A poignant revisioning of the mother of Jesus as a practitioner of nonviolence and peacemaking.
Mohandas Gandhi A sturdy and enlightening resource that will school your heart, mind, body, and soul in peace, justice, and nonviolence.
Jesus the Rebel A salute to the nonviolent Jesus who broke all the rules and opposed the reigning culture of violence with his inner peace and love of his enemies.
The Sound of Listening The author's experiences during a nine-day retreat in which he replenished his soul.
Apostle of Peace Forty tributes to the witness of this Jesuit priest, poet, war resister, and prophet.