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Results for "author_first: Sue Monk, author_last: Kidd"
Solitude ruptures our illusion of separateness Solitude ruptures our illusion of separateness
We blunder into the heart of God and find our own We blunder into the heart of God and find our own
Solitude brings us into the presence of God Solitude brings us into the presence of God
The Dance of the Dissident Daughter Sue Monk Kidd on living life fully.
You have to find a mother inside yourself You have to find a mother inside yourself
The divine is in everything foaming around everywhere. The divine is in everything foaming around everywhere.
To hear the heartbeat of death at every moment To hear the heartbeat of death at every moment
One can't build little white picket fences One can't build little white picket fences
I would go on hoeing my garden I would go on hoeing my garden
We are all in the same boat regarding suffering We are all in the same boat regarding suffering