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Results for "keyword: "moon""
Ancient Night A timeless new myth about moonlight, drawn from Mesoamerican lore.
I took it as a sign I took it as a sign
Apollo 11 A well-done documentary about the American space mission that made astronaut Neil Armstrong the first human on the moon.
The Lost Art of Reading Nature’s Signs How to use a stepping-stone approach to read signs in nature.
Living on Planet Earth A reflection, prayer, and scripture for the suffering caused by humans.
Moon Wisdom A useful resource about the ways our Moon is a faithful companion.
Feathers for Peacock A colorfully illustrated story about how the Peacock got his distinctive tail.
Love Is a Stranger Jelaluddin Rumi's poem on questing through the darkness.
Anniversary of the First Lunar Landing (PDP) A commemoration of landing on the moon by Neil A. Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.
We see the world piece by piece We see the world piece by piece