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Results for "keyword: "shame""
Rules about the ethics of speech Rules about the ethics of speech
Self-hatred as an obstacle to growth and maturity Self-hatred as an obstacle to growth and maturity
A blessing as a moment of meeting A blessing as a moment of meeting
Broken dreams are tokens of courage Broken dreams are tokens of courage
Richard Rohr in Simplicity: The Art of Living God calls all of you to take the path of the inner truth
Squeezed A look into the plight of highly educated poor in America.
Daring Greatly Brene Brown on shame as a primitive emotion.
Transforming Our Painful Emotions Makes a good case for taming and befriending our negative emotions and seeing them as allies rather than as enemies.
The Kite Runner A memorable and moving drama about the pain of lost friendship, the yearning for forgiveness, and the freedom that comes from making amends.
The Woodsman A complex tale that severely tests the limits of our empathy and compassion.