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Results for "main_practice: "Compassion", latest_content: 1"
Birthday of Raoul Wallenberg Honoring the risky, selfless courage of Raoul Wallenberg who saved the lives of more than 100,000 Jews during the Nazi occupation of Hungary.
Birthday of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama Celebrating the birthday of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate who is the spiritual and temporal leader of the Tibetan people.
No Judgment Just Love Advice from ShaRon Rea on how to treat ourselves and each other.
Bounce An ingenious way to pray for someone or to practice forgiveness.
The Qualities of Compassion A meditation prayer invoking the six paramitas or perfections – the qualities of compassion that embody the sacred service of a Bodhisattva.
Birthday of Dame Cicely Saunders Observing the birthday of the founder of the hospice movement.
Compassionate Choice Practice Worksheet An hour long practice to guide you from being triggered to gaining perspective and balance.
Compassion and Forgiveness A 15-minute meditation for when you are hurt by somebody.
Love and Kindness A 10-minute self-compassion practice.
Calling on Mother of Mercy A blessing for living in the way of mercy.