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Results for "practice: Attention"
Praying with Icons An Orthodox explanation of icons as aids to prayer.
A Potter's Companion A salute to the beauty and the bounty of pots -- or any other works -- made by hand.
Ed Ruscha's Standard Station How art can sharpen our vision to see the ordinary in new ways.
Shoe Fleur A gift book with creative and playful images of shoes and bags made out of flowers and leaves; see our gallery of pictures from the book.
Relax and De-Stress Soothing classical music to calm the body, mind, and soul
Frederick Franck The exhibition catalog for a retrospective of 30 years of this visionary artist's paintings, drawings, and other work.
On Pilgrimage A tribute to 25 sacred sites around the world, featuring writings of pilgrims from all eras and places.
The Mystery of Love An enlightened commentary on the sacred meaning of 39 creations.
On the Wing An evergreen book of days with poetic observations and gorgeous illustrations of hummingbirds and other wonders.
Peter Paul Rubens' The Rainbow Landscape A lovely painting that tutors us in the art of immersion, wonder, and beauty.