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Results for "practice: Attention"
Close to Vermeer A substantive and illuminating documentary on the Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer and his unique work.
Albrecht Dürer's The Great Piece of Turf An opportunity to sense the magnificence of life in a wayside clump of vegetation.
Hockney A well-done mapping of the life and work of David Hockney who has been called England's "National Treasure."
Hieronymus Bosch: Touched by the Devil A fascinating documentary on the process of authenticating the art work of a choreographer of hell.
Look! Look! Look! at Sculpture An enchanting tale about three mice who sneak into a museum for their own private course in art appreciation.
Learning by Heart A celebration of the artist in all of us.
Mandalas An adult coloring book for opening a doorway into the symbolic language of the soul.
Painting Now A robust and substantive survey of contemporary painting on a global scale.
Heartland An astonishing collection of black-and-white photographs celebrating the Plains of the United States.
Talking to God A global album of 100 stunning photographs of people at prayer.