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Results for "Body"
The Wisdom of the Body Christine Valters Paintner on the experience of ecstasy in mysticism and embodied spirituality.
Body Intelligence A smorgasbord of exercises and spiritual practices on activating the energy within and around us.
The Life of the Body Suggestions of ways to care for your body as the temple of God.
Body Theology James Nelson on why it's time to re-claim the erotic dimensions of love.
Body Theology A path-breaking work on body theology which eschews the old split between sexuality and spirit.
Praying with the Body Prayers inspired by the Psalms that use words and body postures and gestures.
Body Signs A treasure trove of fascinating details and facts about our bodies and the signs of what's happening in them.
This is My Body Explores the connection between craft and spiritual development.
A Body Knows Describes her spiritual journey in terms of her flesh.
Body Theology A viable theology of sex which speaks directly to the spiritual problems engendered by sexism, patriarchy, homophobia, and the desire to control others.