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Results for "Joy"
Why Elders Smile When researchers asked people to rank their own well-being, those who rated themselves most highly were individuals from 82 to 85. This startling statistic comes from a column written by David Brook…
Smiling as Mouth Yoga How we marvel at the delightful smile of an infant; there's little we won't do to win another one! As we grow older the act of smiling changes into a complex nonverbal interchange; a smile is part o…
S&P Open House / Birthday Celebration The weekend of March 19 – 20, 2016 was quite a celebratory time for Spirituality & Practice. Patricia Carlson (Senior Editor/Program Director) and I (Creative Director) traveled from our respectiv…
Teaching Moments Poetry It is a kind of love, it is not? How the cup holds the tea, How the chair stands sturdy and foursquare How the floor receives the bottoms of shoes . . . — Pat Schneider in "Patience …
When Love Happens Jain Wisdom We can make the sorrow and suffering into a compost out of which the roses of joy can grow. — Satish Kumar in The Way of Wisdom Tibetan Wisdom Peaceful living is about trusti…
What You Do Literary Wisdom There's something to be said for sitting still and letting things clear, the way morning fog burns off the lake. — George Witte, American poet Medical Wisdom The small am…
The Sacred in One's Back Yard Literary Wisdom All for one and one for all. — Alexandre Dumas in The Three Musketeers Prayer In times of joy or sorrow, blessed be my tears, the holy prayers of my heart. — Edward …
New Love: A Short Shelf Life In this eye-opening article in The New York Times, Sonya Lyubomirsky reveals some shocking details and insights into marriage. American and European researchers found that the joys and pleasures of …
"Y" is for You "And who do you think you are sauntering along five feet up in the air, the ocean a blue fire around your ankles, the sun on your face on your shoulders its golden mouth whispering (so it seems…
Destined to Fly Question Each of us must ask ourselves one question: What am I doing to increase the sum of hope in the world? — Arthur Burns quoted in Hope Notes by R. Wayne Willis Mystic Wisdom If you…