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Results for "author_first: John, author_last: Dear"
Might makes right is the real national anthem Might makes right is the real national anthem
The U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki The U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Works of mercy Works of mercy
After his baptism, Jesus prays After his baptism, Jesus prays
Let the one without sin be the first Let the one without sin be the first
Mohandas Gandhi A sturdy and enlightening resource that will school your heart, mind, body, and soul in peace, justice, and nonviolence.
Jesus the Rebel A salute to the nonviolent Jesus who broke all the rules and opposed the reigning culture of violence with his inner peace and love of his enemies.
The Sound of Listening The author's experiences during a nine-day retreat in which he replenished his soul.
Apostle of Peace Forty tributes to the witness of this Jesuit priest, poet, war resister, and prophet.
Disarming the Heart A classic work for those who want to be peacemakers in a world of war, violence, revenge, and killing.