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Results for "for_children: n, latest_content: 1, main_practice: Zeal=, submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other,Features - Book"
Living Well While Doing Good Salutary spiritual advice on doing good and achieving a right-sized life.
Risking Everything Exalted and exulting selections by mystical poets.
Staying Put Explores how we can make a house a home by recognizing the spiritual value of fidelity to a place.
Light Upon Light Poems, parables, and quotations that illustrate this thirteenth century Sufi mystic's zeal.
Crones Don't Whine An enlightening and winning little volume calling all women in the third phase of life after menopause to become crones.
How Can We Keep from Singing A paean to the joys, pleasures, and wonders of singing written by an amateur who truly comes alive when she participates in any choir.
The Tibetan Art of Living A holistic healing tradition based on energy and dynamic balance.
Simple Grace A sturdy little book about growing older with chapters on learning, remembering, simplifying, maturing, exploring, and understanding.
The Intimate Merton An exquisite, soulful and searingly honest volume.
Watching the Tree Sheds light on the essential building blocks of Chinese culture.