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Results for "keyword: "creation""
The Way of the Mystics A call to make meditation a means rather than an end.
Embers Short morning meditations of Indigenous spiritual wisdom.
One Drum Indigenous ceremonies and wisdom from an Ojibway teacher, accessible for any spiritual seeker.
Ask the Beasts An exploration of the connections between the scientific insights of Charles Darwin and the Christian ideal of the presence of God in the natural world.
Science and Faith A lively and creative exploration of new possibilities arising out of the convergence of science and faith.
Native American Stories of the Sacred A creation story that shows how to let children blossom according to their own nature.
Becoming Me The spiritual practice of play is saluted in this children's book.
Sins of the Spirit, Blessings of the Flesh A vibrant theology of spirit that recontextualizes evil.
Green Mass Hildegard of Bingen’s vision, most relevant today, of a green, interconnected world.
God’s Great Story and You On conscious cooperation with God to bring about God’s dream for creation.