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Results for "keyword: "energy""
Ten Poems to Last a Lifetime A poem by Billy Collins on you.
The Mindful Writer Dinty W. Moore on being attentive to your own creativity and energy.
The Writing Warrior Laraine Herron on shaking to unblock yourself and nurture your creativity.
Body Theology James Nelson on why it's time to re-claim the erotic dimensions of love.
Grace A Catholic perspective on the mysteries and the bounties of a theology of grace.
Awakening into Oneness Overview of a spiritual movement in India based on the power of blessing and the transfer of energy from one person to another.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Creative Visualization A handy guide to creative visualization with ideas galore on bringing your ideas and ideals into fruition.
Voices of the First Day Robert Lawlor on how the Australian aboriginals see the natural world drenched in Spirit.
The Secret of the Shadow A liberating self-help book designed for all those who are yearning to move beyond the limiting stories they have created about themselves.
Visionary Activist Astology A nine-hour workshop on making the most of astrology's wonders and messages.