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Results for "author_first: KidSpirit, author_last: Online"
On Birth, Death, and Moonwalking By Andrew Lu for KidSpirit's Mysteries of the Universe issue. We all wonder about our origins, births, and deaths. We’ve all asked our parents questions about where we came from. As a …
No Man's Land By Heer Cheema for KidSpirit's Unity and Division issue. They are restless, moving backward and forward, surrounded by a miasma of uncertainty and despair. Sleeping in airports, caught in transit…
No-Man's Land By Heer Cheema for KidSpirit's Unity and Division issue They are restless, moving backward and forward, surrounded by a miasma of uncertainty and despair. Sleeping in airports, caught in trans…
Nature: The Healing Gift We Ignore By Emilija Krysén In a time of both justified and unjustified anxiety-ridden global panic, we often forget that our environment and surroundings can have profound impacts on our mental wellbeing…
Nearly Two People By Olivia Baliey Someday, everyone you love will die. You probably stared at that sentence for a minute, didn’t you? What a way to begin an article. So morbid. So terrible and cruel.
My Multicultural Upbringing By Emilija Krysén for KidSpirit's Education issue. Our cultural upbringing shapes the narratives we tell and greatly influences our views of the world. Growing up as a third culture kid, I of…
Mountains and Meadows and Some Kind of Wonder by Allie McIntosh for KidSpirit's Creativity & Imagination issue. As I write this, I’m looking out over a wide, vibrant meadow. There’s a huge mountain staring back at me, snow-capped even…
Magic Flows By Miseng Kim In silence, Magic flows, The way rivers flow into the ocean.
Just Keep Swimming By Abraham Weitzman in the KidSpirit Resilience issue. My family places faith in DBT — Dialectic Behavior Therapy. DBT is based on a combination of accepting your feelings and behaving in a pos…
Jewels of India By Niti Majethia for KidSpirit's Beauty and the Senses issue. I was born and raised in Mumbai, India, a country full of different traditions and values. India has a caste system with different…