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Results for "author_first: Mary, author_last: Daly"
A-X-L Intriguing sci-fi thriller that explores what can happen when robots become smarter than humans.
Earth: One Amazing Day A beautifully photographed documentary with amazing footage of animals illustrating the survival of the fittest.
Gurukulam A documentary about the everyday spirituality of chores and devotions at an ashram in southern India.
90 at 90 Reflections from a long-lived Christian minister on the great mysteries of faith and life.
Life's a Breeze A terrific Irish dramedy about clutter, family solidarity, and an 80-year-old woman's response to a major gift she is given.
The Subtle Body Practice Manual Cyndi Dale on how subtle body healing energizes us.
The Subtle Body Practice Manual A first-rate and comprehensive resource on subtle body healing.
The Herd Boy An engaging and intriguing children's picture book that is a cross-cultural gem set in South Africa.
Energetic Boundaries Cyndi Dale with techniques for growing your soul in a world of harmful energetic forces.
Energetic Boundaries Ways to make the most of energetic boundaries and protect yourself from harmful energies.