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Results for "author_first: Michael, author_last: Keane"
The Way of Suffering An excerpt from the essay "The Good That Rises When the Bottom Falls Out of Life" by Joni Woelfel.
The Way of Suffering A multidimensional collection of essays, stories, and poems about the manifold meanings and challenges accompanying suffering.
The Way of Forgiveness Joyce Rupp on sour memories catalyzing the practice of forgiveness.
The Way of Forgiveness An inspiring collection of essays on forgiving self and others and receiving God's forgiveness.
The Way of Kindness Henri Nouwen on becoming kind.
The Way of Kindness The spiritual practice of kindness given the red carpet treatment.
The Way of Gratitude Thich Nhat Hanh on the many miracles in the world available to us through the light of awareness.
The Way of Gratitude A top-drawer collection of readings saluting all the benefits of gratefulness.
What You Will See Inside a Catholic Church Michael Keane's comments on "the oils of gladness" used to celebrate devotional sacraments in the Catholic Church.
What You Will See Inside a Catholic Church A succinct and informative introduction to Catholic worship and tradition.