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Results for "author_first: Paul, author_last: Loeb"
Most of us have been subjected Most of us have been subjected
If you think you're related to the stars If you think you're related to the stars
Some are guilty, all are responsible Some are guilty, all are responsible
Soul of a Citizen Paul Rogat Loeb challenging citizens to be true to themselves as they move from passivity to participation.
If you shut your door to all errors If you shut your door to all errors
Soul of a Citizen Stories of ordinary people who have transformed their communities.
The Impossible Will Take a Little While Historian Howard Zinn on keeping perspective and not losing hope by looking at the long-term, big picture.
Activism for Ordinary People Thought-provoking stories about citizen activism and hope on the horizon.
The Impossible Will Take a Little While A true hope booster with essays by some of the most eloquent, visionary, and provocative people of our time.