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Results for "keyword: "Poverty", latest_content: 1"
Elitist Privilege A prayer to fight for equity for everyone and to fulfill our responsibilities to those who are poor, needy, or weak.
Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe Annual feast day to mark the appearance of the Virgin Mary in 1531 and her significance to the poor of the world.
Birthday of Harry Chapin (PDP) Remembering the singer/songwriter whose story songs focused on the challenges facing Americans.
Birthday of Corita Kent (PDP) Honoring the nun, pop artist, and educator.
Birthday of Dorothy Day (PDP) An opportunity to firm up our commitments to service of others, peace, and justice.
World Food Day Important facts about world hunger and what you can do about it today.
Oscar Romero Day Remembering Oscar Romero, the Archbishop of San Salvador who spoke truth to power and was canonized on this day in 2018.
Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi Ways to honor and follow St. Francis of Assisi, including practicing gratitude and spending quality time with an animal, plus video clips, a movie, readings, and prayers.
Birthday of Upton Sinclair (PDP) Honoring the Pulitzer-prize winning author and muckraker.
Birthday of Mary, the Mother of Jesus Readings, inspirational thoughts, and spiritual practices for the birthday of Mary, the Mother of Jesus.