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Results for "keyword: "Walking", latest_content: 1"
Walking as a Spiritual Practice "Perhaps the truth depends on a walk around the lake," Wallace Stevens once said. I'd make that a "walk around the city." I love to walk and have made it a daily part of my spiritual practice. Mary …
Sitting Too Much Is the New Smoking We have read that sitting is the new smoking and when we sit all day hunched over our computers, we are doing irreparable damage to our precious bodies. In this article by Caroline Dowd-Higgins, she…
Slowing Down to Walk Contemplatively I have always been amazed at how much more I notice when I slow down. A street that I have driven down looks so different by bike, and even more detail emerges when I am walking. Walking meditativel…
Next Door Democracy When I first moved to Berkeley, California, almost three years ago, someone told me about the NextDoor app. I signed up right away and soon discovered that it is a great way to connect with your nei…
Sitting Is the New Smoking; Walking is the Antidote On, Jay Walljasper writes about walking as "the wonder drug" that researchers and physicians are recommending to help prevent diabetes, depression, breast and colon cancer, high bloo…
Keep Walking Proverb Every day of your life is a page in your history. — Arabic Proverb Practice Recall a treasured memory of a loved one. Sip on it mentally and emotionally. — Joyce Rupp in Praye…
In Praise of Doing the Same Thing All the Time In a fascinating article on, Derek Thompson admits to being a creature of repetition when it comes to entertainment. He has almost memorized the movie Dumb and Dumber and is perfectl…
Carrying Others' Burdens Catholic Wisdom If we all carry a little of the burden, it will be lightened. If we share in the suffering of the world, then some will not have to endure so heavy an affliction. — Dorothy Da…
A Good Name for God Proverb Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think. — Chinese Proverb Mantra May life wonder me. — Pennsylvania Dutch Saying
A Better Way to Fall This eye-opening article was first published by the Wellcome Trust in Falls kill more than 32,000 Americans every year. The figure leaps to 420,000 when putting a global focus …