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Results for "keyword: "sin""
Living a divided life Living a divided life
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel defines sin Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel defines sin
That which devours That which devours
Nothing belongs to us except our vices and sins Nothing belongs to us except our vices and sins
Loaves, Fishes, and Leftovers Thinking of sin as not just a personal matter, but as social and collective.
I see only too clearly how bad people are I see only too clearly how bad people are
The greatest of all sins is to be aware of none The greatest of all sins is to be aware of none
God's Tender Mercy Joan Chittister on how Jesus models a loving acceptance of those who have trouble doing what is right and religiously proper.
It is terribly debilitating to identify yourself with evil It is terribly debilitating to identify yourself with evil
There is no original sin in Islam There is no original sin in Islam