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Results for "keyword: "truth""
A Hidden Wholeness Parker Palmer on developing a circle of trust to speak and hear truth.
Opening the Mind's Eye Venerable Master Hsing Yun on leading a life of meaning, virtue, and truth.
Against the Stream Noah Levine on the search for truth through compassion, freedom, and impermanence.
Living the Truth Explores various facets of truth as fact, as fiction, as relationship and as mystery.
Work as a Spiritual Practice A teaching story about Right Speech.
The Wisdom of Love Jacob Needleman on the need for lovers to nourish each other's inner life and search for truth.
Adam's Return Richard Rohr on recognizing how negative is contained inside the positive.
Radical Optimism Presents the contemplative life as a search for truth, for greater meanings, and for the transformation of the world.
The Soul Is Here for Its Own Joy A poem about beauty The Clay Jug by Kabir.
Come and See David Keller on silence as the birthplace of listening and praise.