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Results for "keyword: %22church%22"
Peter Reinhart in Bread Upon the Waters The pastor at my church often concludes
Saint John XXIII Day Inspiring quotes from the Catholic Pope, now Saint, who opened the door to the renewal of the church.
Ralph Waldo Emerson in The Wonders of Solitude I like the silent church before
An Alphabet of Progressive Christian Spirituality - 10 Practices from What Churches Could Be to Zeal in this alphabet.
Why Go to Church? Ronald Rolheiser on preparing for heaven and developing a universal heart.
One Common Band A pastoral prayer from Martin Luther King, Jr., in 1956.
Incense A prompt to use incense as part of your devotions.
Anniversary of the First Lunar Landing (PDP) A commemoration of landing on the moon by Neil A. Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.
Ways to Face When Praying Bodily position at prayer has a powerful influence upon us.
World Water Day A day for prayer, study, and activism around the world water crisis.